Thermo Scientific
Chromeleon supports the following Thermo Scientific instruments (includes Thermo Finnigan, ThermoQuest and TSP):
Surveyor MSQ Mass Spectrometer
AI/AS 3000/1310 GC Autosamplers
HS850 and HS2000 Headspace Samplers
HPLC AccelaTM Series:
For an overview of how the Accela system can be used with Chromeleon, refer to Thermo Scientific Accela System: Overview.
HPLC Surveyor Plus Series:
HPLC SpectraSYSTEMŽ Series:
AS3500 and AS3000 Autosamplers
FL2000 and FL3000 Fluorescence Detectors
HPLC Vanquish Series:
Vanquish Charged Aerosol Detector
Vanquish Fluorescence Detector
Analog to Digital Signal Converter:
Of the HPLC instruments listed above, only the Accela Pump and UV3000 Detector can be controlled via a UCI Universal Chromatography Interface. To control all other TSP instruments, use a free RS-232 port on the PC. If more RS-232 ports are needed, install an RS-232 interface card. (For installation instructions, refer, for example, to Installing PC Plug-In Cards Installing the Serial RS-232 Interface Card (Meilhaus).) To perform data acquisition, you have to connect the UV1000 and UV2000 Detectors to a UCI, using the appropriate signal cables.